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National Grid Type Approval

NG-Logo.gifCharnvel Ltd. were the first in the U.K to obtain 'Type Registration' in accordance with NGTS 3.12.3 issue 6 June 2007 for substation LVAC supplies. This involved subjecting our System 50 switchboard assembly to short circuit withstand, temperature rise testing to receive ASTA certification of our busbar and enclosure systems.

  • Our 400-800A switchboards have been assigned the AMEB01 E.G.I code.
  • Our 1250-1600A switchboards have been assigned the AMEB02 E.G.I code.
  • Our System 50 – 800A Outdoor Intermediate Boards have been assigned the AMEB23 E.G.I Code

Having completed well over 60 projects, Charnvel Ltd are considered to be the leading manufacturer and supplier of Type Registered LVAC switchboards to National Grid and its sub contractors.

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